Saturday, May 21, 2016

Greek Mythology Series - Cronus & Rhea

Cronus and Rhea are two of the Elder Titans. Cronus, Titan of time and Rhea, Titaness of motherhood and fertility got married and ended up having six children. These children would come to be the core Olympian gods.

Cronus and Rhea both came from Uranus and Gaea, and while they call each other brother and sister, it's important to remember that they aren't actually related. The best ways I have to explain this go as follows, if you have read/seen Twilight then continue reading, otherwise skip to my second explanation.

 1) In Twilight, Carlisle (the father vampire) adopted Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Rose/Emmett and Alice/Jasper end up pairing off and becoming couples. They all call Carlisle and Esme their parents, but none of them are actually related. It is helpful to think of the people in Greek mythology this way.
2) It would be the same as if I were to pick 12 people off the street and tell them they are my kids. I bring them home and we all live in one big mansion together. Eventually they all pair off and pick 6 random people from another street and tell them they're their kids. No one is actually related, but we're all pretending to be. Yes these Titans and Gods came from the same beings, but it's like they are completely different beings. If you looked at their DNA, it would not match one another's.

So Cronus, with the help of Gaea, overthrows Uranus as king. Cronus takes the title for himself and rules over the Titans. Things are great until he gets a prophecy from Gaea's Oracle that says one of his children would overthrow him. Cronus couldn't bear the thought, so he decided to do something about it. Rhea welcomed their first child, a glowing little girl named Hestia, into the world and what did Cronus do? He ate her of course. Yup, that's right. He swallowed her like a baby sized pill. The pattern repeated until Cronus had swallowed 5 of their children.

Rhea was very upset about this and she sought the help of Gaea who gave her an idea. Rhea gave birth to her 6th child, Zeus, in secrecy and left him to be raised by Gaea. Rhea gave Cronus a rock wrapped in a blanket which he swallowed. He didn't know the difference. When Zeus grew to be an adult, he found his father and gave him an elixir that Gaea had made which caused him to spit up his other children. All 5 of them were fully grown at this point.

The 5 of them decided to stand by Zeus as he declared war on the Titans. Let's not forget, while Cronus is over here eating his children, the other Titans are just going about their daily business and turning a blind eye to him. This obviously doesn't sit well with the 5 people who were eaten alive and spent their first years on Earth inside of someone's stomach.

Zeus and his siblings went to Mount Olympus to set up camp and prepare for war.

If you haven't figured it out by now, here is the list of Cronus & Rhea's children:

  • Zeus
  • Poseidon
  • Hades
  • Hera
  • Demeter
  • Hestia
Sometimes Zeus is referred to as the eldest sibling which can be confusing for some. Zeus was the last born so he was originally the youngest while Hestia was originally the oldest. However, she was the first swallowed and the last to come out of Cronus' stomach, so she is now the youngest of them. Zeus was never swallowed so he is the oldest.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Greek Mythology Series - The Beginning (The Elder Titans)

It all began with Chaos who is basically nothing. Gaea (the Earth) sprang form this nothingness along with Erebus, Tartarus, Eros, and Nyx. Erebus is the personification of deep darkness and shadows while Tartarus is the Underworld. Eros is love and Nyx is night. Nyx and Erebus got together and had Hemera (the day), Hypnos (sleep), the Moirai (the Fates), Geras (old age), Thanatos (death), Nemesis (retribution), Eris (strife), Charon (the boatman who brought the souls of the dead to the gates of the Underworld), and Aether (the air the gods breathed).

It is said that either Gaea created Uranus, the sky/heavens, herself or Aether fathered him.

Gaea and Uranus got together and had 12 children who are the Elder Titans. These Titans are:


Coeus, Titan of intelligence & far sight 
Cronus, Titan of time
Crius, Titan of stars
Hyperion, Titan of light
Iapetus, Titan of mortal life span 
Oceanus, Titan of all the salt water on earth 


Mnemosyne, Titan of memory
Phoebe, Titan of bright intelligence
Rhea, Titan of fertility & motherhood
Theia, Titan of shinning
Themis, Titan of divine law & order
Tethys, Titan of all fresh water on earth

Uranus and Gaea also birthed three Cyclopes (plural of Cyclops) and three Hecatoncheires. Uranus hated these creatures so he banished all of them to Tartarus.

Cyclopes are enormous one-eyed monsters birthed by Uranus and Gaea. However, according to Homer, their father is actually Poseidon.

The Hecatoncheires were giant creatures with a hundred hands capable of unfathomable strength and fifty heads.

Gaea was infuriated by Uranus' treatment of the Hecatoncheires, so she began plotting to overthrow him. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Greek Mythology Series

So I'm thinking about doing a Greek Mythology series where I discuss the various gods and goddesses and other aspects of mythology. I love this subject and it's something I'm very passionate about. I'm actually toying with the idea of writing books about it. I was thinking of a nonfiction collection with the gods, goddesses, titans, lesser gods, and creatures as well as a fiction series. I think what Rick Riordan has done with Percy Jackson is amazing and I know it has sparked interest in a lot of young people about mythology. I also love Aimee Carter's The Goddess Test trilogy. It is a whole new perspective on the gods/goddesses and mainly on the myth of Hades & Persephone.

Here is how I'm thinking of outlining it:

  • The Beginning - The Elder Titans
  • Cronus & Rhea
  • Zeus Rebels Against Cronus
  • Olympian Series
    • Zeus
    • Hera
    • Poseidon
    • Hestia
    • Hades
    • Demeter
    • Aphrodite
    • Ares
    • Hephaestus
    • Apollo
    • Artemis
    • Athena
    • Hermes
    • Dionysus
    • Persephone
  • Lesser Gods
    • Eros
    • Helios
    • Selene
    • Aurora
    • Nymphs
    • Pan
    • The Fates
    • The 9 Muses
  • Creatures
    • Minotaur
    • Centaur
    • Cerberus
  • Medusa
  • 2nd Generation of Titans
  • Jason
  • Atlas
  • Prometheus
  • Hercules

I'm thinking of including famous myths in each post, or maybe doing a second post for the myths...I haven't really figured it out yet. I'm just obsessed with this topic and honestly my obsessions are why I even blog so this just makes sense. 

So here is to hoping that you'll join me on this Greek adventure!!!