Pretty Little Liars is set in the town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, and it follows the lives of four girls, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, and Spencer Hastings, whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader, Alison DiLaurentis. One year later, the estranged friends are reunited as they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure named "A" after Alison's funeral, who threatens to expose their deepest secrets, including ones they thought only Alison knew. At first, they think it's Alison herself, but after her body is found, the girls realize that someone else is planning on ruining them.
The main cast includes:
- Lucy Hale as Aria Montgomery
- Ashley Benson as Hanna Marin
- Shay Mitchell as Emily Fields
- Troian Bellisario as Spencer Hastings
- Sasha Pieterse as Alison DiLaurentis
- Ian Harding as Ezra Fitz
- Laura Leighton as Ashley Marin
- Holly Marie Combs as Ella Montgomery
- Chad Lowe as Byron Montgomery
Recurring cast includes:
- Janel Parrish as Mona Vanderwaal (promoted to main cast)
- Tyler Blackburn as Caleb Rivers (promoted to main cast)
- Keegan Allen as Toby Cavanaugh (promoted to main cast)
- Lindsey Shaw as Paige McCullers
- Torrey DeVito as Melissa Hastings
- Drew Van Acker as Jason DiLaurentis
- Tamin Sursok as Jenna Marshall
- Nia Peeples as Pam Fields
- Lesley Fera as Veronica Hastings
- Brendan Robinson as Lucas Gottesman
- Brant Daughtery as Noel Kahn
- Julian Morris as Wren Kim
- Cody Christian as Mike Montgomery
- Nolan North as Peter Hastings
- Yani Gellman as Garrett Reynolds
- Bianca Lawson as Maya St. Germain
- Bryce Johnson as Darren Wilden
- Ryan Merriman as Ian Thomas
- Sean Faris as Gabriel Holbrook
Guests include:
- Andrea Parker as Jessica DiLaurentis
- Roark Critchlow as Tom Marin
- Aeriel Miranda as Shana Fring
- Roma Maffia as Linda Tanner
- Vanessa Ray as CeCe Drake
- Ryan Guzman as Jake
- Chuck Hittinger as Sean Ackard
- Luke Kleintank as Travis Hobbs
- Eric Steinberg as Wayne Fields
- Edward Kerr as Ted
- Jim Titus as Barry Maple
- Annabeth Gish as Anne Sullivan
- Paloma Guzman as Jackie Molina
- Chole Bridges as Sydney Driscoll
- Larisa Oleynik as Maggie Cutler
- Sterling Sulieman as Nate St. Germain
- Shane Coffey as Holden Strauss
- Amanda Schull as Meredith Sorenson
- Brandon Jones as Andrew Campbell
- John O'Brien as Carter Hackett
- Miranda Rae Mayo as Talia Sandoval
- Will Bradley as Jonny Raymond
- Reggie Austin as Eddie Lamb
- Diego Boneta as Alex Santiago
- Jim Abele as Kenneth DiLaurentis
- Steve Talley as Zack
- Claire Holt as Samara Cook
- Natalie Hall as Kate Randall
- Teo Briones as Malcolm Cutler
- Meg Foster as Carla Grunwald
- Gregg Sulkin as Wesley Fitzgerald
- Jake Weary as Cyrus Petrillo
- Heather Mazur as Isabel Randall
- Wyatt Nash as Nigel Wright
- Sydney Penny as Leona Vanderwaal
- Nathaniel Buzolic as Dean Stavros
Overall Rating: a MUST watch (but not alone or in the dark)
Catch Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family Tuesdays at 8 P.M. EST
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