Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Shadowhunters Recap - "The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy" (S01E02)

Clary decides to trust Jace, so she brings Simon inside The Institute with her and Jace. Simon is amazed when it is de-glamourized and asks what is going on. Alec is annoyed that a mundane is in The Institute and demands to know why Jace brought him there. He says that another Circle member followed Simon to get to Clary so he had to kill him. None of them know much about the Circle, other than it was really bad and it has been wiped from their history. Jace has an idea about who they can talk to about it. Isabelle introduces herself to Simon and Jace tells him to stay where he is or the runes will kill him. He takes Clary with him to the training room and Izzy promises to watch the mundane. She says she is making breakfast and Jace makes a remark about the food being deadly.

Clary follows Jace and is introduced to Hodge, their trainer and former Circle member. He tries to tell them about it, but the Clave has given him a rune that burns whenever he mentions the Circle or it's leader Valentine. He tries to give them some information, but is constantly burned. Clary feels bad and doesn't want to push Hodge but he tells her that he did know her mother and her mother is in danger if Valentine has her. Jace and Clary leave and he asks her to think about her mom and the Mortal Cup. He tells them that the Circle is no longer together and Valentine is dead. Jace explains that the Mortal Cup has the power to make more Shadowhunters, but in the wrong hand it can control demons so it is very dangerous. Clary insists that whenever she tries to think about it, her mind is blank basically black. Jace is convinced that her memories have been wiped. He says a warlock could have done it and described a warlock for Clary. Clary realized Dot was a warlock and that they need to find her.

Dot meets with Luke who is cleaning up the remaining items in Clary's room and taking them with him. Dot says she sent Clary to him at the police station through the portal, but Luke insists she was never there. Dot searches for Clary and goes to Pandemonium to find Magnus Bane, a very powerful warlock. Magnus is getting warlocks through a portal when she shows up and he tells her that she is being foolish and that she should come with him otherwise Valentine's men will capture her and kill her. He is hunting down all of the warlocks trying to find whichever one put Jocelyn into her magical coma. Dot refuses and says that Clary needs her so she goes searching for her.

Clary and Isabelle talk in her room while Isabelle gets her something else to wear. Clary brings up Jace and Izzy makes it clear that Jace is basically her brother. They have a bit of a pep talk and Izzy reminds her that she is born a Shadowhunter and she can do anything. Izzy also shares that she thinks Simon is "nerd hot" and Clary clearly doesn't know how to feel about that.

While trying to figure out what to do, Clary grabs the necklace her mother gave her, then sees Dot running into Pandemonium. She tells everyone that she thinks she knows where to find Dot and takes off towards Pandemonium. When they arrive, the place is empty. Clary touches her necklace again and sees Dot being taken from the alley so she runs to try and help her but she is too late.

Jace tells the rest of the group what he thinks and suggests bringing Clary to the Silent brothers in the City of Bones. Isabelle and Alec protest, citing how creepy the Brothers are but Jace insists he isn't afraid of them.They get some weapons and Simon drives them to a creepy area. Jace tells Clary to wait by the van so he can make sure it's safe.

The shadowhunters check it out while Simon and Clary wait. Alec demands to know why Jace is going so far to help this girl he just met. Jace replies that she has lost everything and he knows how that feels, and he wants to help. Clary and Simon follow the hunters to the opening of what looks like a cave. Jace tells them that Simon has to stay, or he'll die upon entering. Izzy offers to sit with him as she's creeped out by the Brothers. Jace tells Clary that she will have a bone drilled into her head and that she will be in excruciating pain while it's happening. He also warns her that if she isn't strong enough, then she will die. Clary insists that she doesn't care what it takes, she will do anything to get her mother back. Simon reminds her that she's "Clary freaking Fray and you can do anything." With that, she and Jace make their descent into the City of Bones.

Jace takes out his witchlight to give them some light to walk by, and they stop and admire the statue of the Angel holding the Mortal Cup. Jace shares with her the creed of the Shadowhunters, "For Shadowhunters the descent into hell isn't easy." Clary asks him if his dad is buried in here and Jace says no because he was a Circle member. Clary is shocked to here that and Jace says that he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for what he did but because he was a Circle member, he forfeited the honor of being buried in the City of Bones. Clary feels bad and tells Jace she's sorry, and he laughs telling her that "it's cute you assume I have feelings." He leads her to the Silent Brothers and she stands in the middle of the circle. The Brothers reveal their terrifying stitched up faces and Brother Jeremiah brings the drill down on Clary's head. We're taken to a flashback where Clary is pretending to be asleep and over hears her mom and Luke talking. Luke is trying to convince Jocelyn that Clary needs to know about Shadowhunters and what she is. Jocelyn insists that she never wants Clary to find out that Valentine is her father.

Clary is incredibly freaked out and Jace is concerned. He asks what she saw, and she reveals that Valentine is her father and then she runs out of the City of Bones. Meanwhile, Simon and Izzy went to the van because Alec was going to lose it on Simon. They hear something so Izzy tells Simon to stay in the van while she checks it out and he is kidnapped by something. When Clary and Jace come out, Alec is waiting for them. They tell him what happened and that Valentine is her father. Alec says it's awfully suspicious that Valentine's daughter shows up out of the blue and Jace tells him to knock it off. Clary is really upset and then asks where Simon and Isabelle are. Izzy shows up and says Simon is gone, and she can't find him. Clary freaks out and runs to look for him, and Jace is annoyed that the mundane got himself into a situation. They here someone yelling and look up under the high bridge to see 2 vampires, 1 of them is holding Simon over the edge. The other vampire calls down to them and tells them to bring the children of the night the Mortal Cup or they'll kill the human. Jace offers to kill them right now, but Alec says that violates the Accords (these are basically peace treaty rules).

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