Monday, January 4, 2016

The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters = My New Obsession

Holy crap. Holy crap. HOLY FREAKING CRAP! What the hell have I been missing?!

Let me start at the beginning: After watching the promo for Shadowhunters on Freeform (formally ABC Family) for the millionth time, my curiosity was finally peaked. The show wouldn't premier for 2 more weeks and I wanted to get in on it. The solution? Read the books of course! After being burned by a series or two, I only bought the first book just in case I didn't like it. Literally I read until chapter 5 of that book, picked up my phone and ordered the hardcover box set from Books A Million. I have been trying to read slowly until the rest of my books come and I am now at chapter 20 of City of Bones and I'm trying so hard to not read the rest until Wednesday. I may not make it you guys!!!

So now I'm just obsessed. Clary amazes me, I just love her so much. could you not love the sexy bad boy with a heart of gold? The way he protects Clary and the way he cares for her...I can't. I love it. Simon is the epitome of what you want a best friend to be. While I think he and Clary would be cute, she is meant to be with Jace. Isabelle is a bad ass. I think she's a fierce female character and I really hope she and Clary become close friends. Alec...I don't know what to make of him...he hates Clary and I've figured out why and that's really sad but to threaten her like that? I don't know. I think I'll grow to like him eventually.

I'm so looking forward to seeing these characters that I love brought to life. I think Kate and Dominic are perfect. Just seeing them in the promos- the casting for this show is on point (it's way better than the movie which was cast terribly and drove me away from this's sad there could have been 6 movies...but hopefully this show will last quite a few seasons). I can't say enough how excited I am for this show and for my books...I can't wait. I seriously can not wait.

In case you didn't get the hint before, I love Clary and Jace. I want them to be together, they're perfect together. I want to know what happens with Luke because he really pissed me off just shoving Clary aside- although I have a feeling that was for her own good.

I can't wait you guys!!!! Watch the show on January 12th at 9 on Freeform (ABC Family!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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